Saturday, May 17, 2014

My childhood in Nuwakot

Nuwakot, Nepal, Tourism in Nepal
This is a photo where I used to play hide and seek in my child hood, so I am used to missing those places. These places are still energizing me a lot. I got a chance to capture those places in last winter season. This is a river side in village. I and my friend used to fishing there, too. In our holiday times, we used to go there for entertainments. These places are not much far from my home and it is very famous for not only entertainment but also for irrigation. With the help of the water current from this river, people have produced electricity.

In this photo, you can see pure and natural water flowing. This is upper portion of the river. After flowing from this higher belt, it reaches to the lower belt in our area. The temperature of these water is not much low even in winter season and not much high even in hot season. These are originated in the higher forest area. Although these are just small rivers in arid season, but after mixing with different river, their size sometimes troubles farmer for crossing. It becomes great affliction for farmers and civilian in summer season due to its high current of water and deep, though somewhere, they have bridge there.

Friday, May 16, 2014

My Walks of Village, Nuwakot, Nepal.

Scene taken in Nuwakot, Nepal
Figure 1: Nuwakot, Nepal
This is a photo taken when I had gone to my village. The scenes really attracted me much when my camera kissed such view from my village.It was cold winter morning when I had been moving there with my friend.The shining cloud and silver colored mountain made me romantic and pleasant. We can view more than a couple of mountains from Nuwakot.

nuwakot nepal, tourism in nuwakot.
Figure 2: House syle in Nuwakot.
Typically, we can see these types of home in village. Thatched roofed home are prevalent in village. Due to problem of less availability of roof material, people are slowly shifting zinc plate instead of such style. Although the complexity of these sort of houses are very high and tedious, it is more beneficial to health. It is very good in hot season and cold season both. Normally, in hot season it protects us from extreme hot and in cold season, it provides warmth.

My Walks of Doleshwor

 This time I am going to explain about my walks in religious place called Doleshwor, considered as a head portion of shiva, located in Bhaktapur, Nepal. This place was not so popular till the pilgrims were swallowed in Kedar Nath, India.  When hindu people faced such disastrous incident, they came to know that Nepal has another option of Kedar Nath.After identifying  Doleshwor as an another substitution of Kedar Nath, one of the four dham to be visited by every hindu in their life, this temple is  being very popular in Nepal after Pashupati Nath temple. The high density of hindu people around the world are used to coming here for worshipping lord shiva. The main importance of this temple is that it is taken as the head portion of lord shiva. Considering these things into my mind, I was moving there with my sister’s family.

My sister, Kalpana Sitaula, had a dream to burn one tenth million numbers of threads , which is called Lakh Batti in Nepali, made by her own hand and the location was Doleshwor. 

 It is believed in hindu culture that after burning such numbers of threads, our dreams and expectations gets fulfilled. So, I, being a Hindu culture follower, was also mixing with them for celebration. After completing some sort of worshipping by priests, we were allowed to burn such threads.
With the burning threads, you can see people are doing some sort of touch in the flames with the sugarcane. It is Hindu myth that we will easily pass the hell river after doing such activities. So, people seems curious to touch.This is a complete photo of Lakh Batti, one tenth million threads burned my sister, Kalpana Sitaula, who is currently residing in Spain. Really ,it has crucial importance in Hindu culture because these are the burned after dipping completely in pure oil. It has a lot of importance as well which is beyond my knowledge. An expert can further elucidate the importance of this sort of celebration.

Each burning flames of this sort of celebration signifies the power and energy in Hindu Community. To make such large number of threads by hand is really the toughest job. They make it after spending a lot of time and strong determination in their mind.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Compulsions of Nepali Lecturer

Being a lecturer, I must understand the obligation of Nepali Lecturers. Putting myself into their shoes, what I feel is that they are compelled to be busy. It may be not their intention to teach in various colleges but the different circumstances are making them do so rather than solely selfishness. In this post, I am trying to clarify some of the main hurdles due to which they are not being able to give full time to the same college.
Teaching in the same college full time is very important for student and lecturer both, but, the things are not as easy as we are saying here because due to its seasonal nature, lecturers are used to searching in various colleges. Once they get a class, its duration will be within particular month only. After completing the courses, they remain futile and unemployed. They even do not know whether they get another class to teach there or not because of nepotism and relativism. So, they do not want to lose the classes as far as they get it somewhere.
Furthermore, the salary, we get while teaching here, is not so handsome and we get salary lately due to which it is our necessity to seek another option to maintain their hand to mouth. Lectures’ life is not so fancy in Nepal nevertheless some bright hope still persists. While observing even in India, the case is just opposite to Nepal, they are highly paid with handsome salary.
Likewise, we are used to moving into various colleges to establish link with them. It creates the environment to show acquaintance with more students, too.  Moving into different colleges helps us to be familiar in the market. We will get a chance to proper exposure in the market. With the increase and more experience, it helps us to foster our career so that the jobs remain stable in another way.
But, this sort of moving may not be suitable for all. Those who are perfect in their subject can do such job which may not be appropriate for other lecturers. It deteriorates their career rather than upgrading. It would be very hard to maintain if we do not have strong knowledge of the content we are teaching. In this situation, it is better to study hard first and teach students wisely.
To conclude, though we are being besieged by such hurdles and complexities, we have to try to give much information to our students wherever we teach. We should not play with their lives. We have to create the environment for them even in phone, email, chat, et cetera.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Major Problems of Teachers.

With the course of my life, I have linked with many teachers in Kathmandu. Being a Computer Science lecturer, my linkages are with only those teachers from those subjects. Studying about these problems among those teachers, I have enlisted some of the important points here.

Firstly, the teachers here in Kathmandu are being focused on money. What they want is money rather than students' career. We can see few availability of the teachers due to their busyness. They want to  take a lot of classes to earn more money. Sometimes, they can be termed as helmet teacher.Students can not find them whenever they want, thereby creating the problematic environment for students.  Due to the less availability of teachers, students are being in a situation to use internet, which may not be always perfect way .

Secondly, teachers are not understanding about students psychology. They are not trying to get their students intention. Due to their gap between students, students are not being satisfied.  Thus, they are being rejected by students.

Thirdly, core contents of the course is main deceit for them. They are not studying the contents properly due to their less time and attention. They do not have enough time  to pay attention due to their hectic schedule of teaching in various colleges.Rather than providing quality, they are emphasizing on quantity. The more class they take, the more money they earn.

By and large, students are the pillar of a nation. Earning money and maintaining life style may be one part for teacher, but cheating students and their lives is no more than killing pollard of many young plants. Consequently, rather than emphasizing on money, pay attention towards your students because a lot of plants will give  you some sort of shade in future.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Handling difficult questions while teaching

Obviously, sometimes, its innate human nature to be in difficulty in the course of teaching. Some childish students' stupid questions leads such problem in a classroom. Since I have been teaching in Nepal, I have faced a lot of such silly questions raised by students and many of my friends quit their job due to stress. Thus, I am giving some strategies for proper handling of difficult questions while teaching.

First strategy to handle the difficulty is finding the relevancy of the question. If the question is not pertinent to the particular area where you are teaching, you can tell them to answer after completing the formal class somewhere outside of your class. And, if the topic is pertinent to your topic and  you do not know the answer, you tell them to answer tomorrow and give them other practice questions like this. Then, student may think you are smarter.

Second strategy is to identify the type of students who are raising you the questions. If the student is asking  you just to be smart, detect and ask him other questions to defend. Otherwise, if the question is from genuine side, give them extra practice work, thereby pondering about its solution. Then, they will ramble on their practice work.

And the last strategy is creating the environment of competition among students for difficult questions. You can create the ambient of competition if the question is very hard. You can generate a lot of solutions from students side from their heterogeneous ideas. They forget all for competition and bury themselves in the topic.

In conclusion, the main strategy to handle problematic situation is to make them even more busy on that situation.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Young lecturers are in demand

I had been mulling for several years about why young are being accepted by Nepali students. I had also been in search of finding the reason behind the rejection of an old experienced lecturer. I do not know how much I am correct into my digging but it is a reality in Nepal. And, it’s true that most of the colleges have more young lecturers than many years experienced ones. The main reasons for rejecting old experienced lecturers are as follows:

Initially, it matters a lot about in which level we teach because if we teach young people, obviously they need teacher of their time rather than old one. They do not want to give their time for study merely but also other recreational activities which were not provided by our traditional teachers. What our old teacher wanted was that to exploit parrot learning and showed atrocious behavior in the name of punishment. They did not like to be according as students wants.
Furthermore, simply experience doesn’t matter at all if they cannot enjoy with their students. What I found in Nepal is that owing to lack of peripheral knowledge, even experienced teachers are being rejected. They were not updated with the latest technology and system. They used to teach in traditional system which was not preferred by student today because we must update with technology.
In the contrary, young lectures are being successful here in these cases. They are doing what young students wants. They are trying to give their time for not only study but also other recreational stuffs. They are making nice team work with students for academic and professional activities. Similarly, young lecturers are updating themselves with the latest technologies and modern teaching paradigms. Thus, they are succeeding in their way.

In conclusion, it is not always good symptom that callow lecturers are in great demand here if they do have sufficient knowledge. In the name of preferring young ones, it is not good practice to discourage an experienced one. Instead, old experienced should learn from youngs’ exemplary works and update themselves.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why teachers can not satisfy themselves?

I have seen a lot of teachers/lecturers in Kathmandu, Nepal not satisfying in their profession. They are doing their job for just running their family and solving hand to mouth problem. It may be due to many reasons to express such dissatisfaction here. I am trying to elucidate some of the important reasons behind it.

Firstly, our country, Nepal, has not sound political situation till this date, although politicians are trying to make it stable and to promulgate new covetous constitution. People, who are involved in private school or colleges, are seem to be very serious due to such fleeting situation. What they want is stability in their job but the condition is not being in their favor. If they fall certain party's wings, they have high chance to their job stability even in private education institutions. Rather than focusing on competition, owners are giving their priority to relativism and nepotism.

Secondly, its an obvious instinctive nature of human that to earn money at the top of their knowledge. They want to earn a lot in their life. I have seen a lot of person like me, having same educational qualification, are earning a lot in abroad, but, I am not earning much although I am satisfied with it. They are showing their proclivity towards money for quenching their satisfaction; not towards the country's real scenario. They had to consider the situation of our country.

Finally, another reason may be lack of certain facilities required by lecturers and teachers. These facilities includes insurance, allowance and respectful environments. Teachers should be provided with the environment of insurance, securing their future. They should be provided the allowances as their rewards and the last and important thing is teachers should be respected by both student and management because they are the real hero for every walks of life. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Student Psychology and Teaching.

Today, the class was very funny for me because  while I was teaching in front of my students, they were shouting at me.I was unhappy considering that they were not getting me. Whenever I started repeating every lecture, they were shouting even more loudly. They were shouting because their eyes were concentrating to the live cricket score on their mobile rather than study. Due to a bit large hall, I was not seeing about the situation of every student. After knowing such, I stopped my class and started playing jokes with students. Then after, I told them to pay attention towards their study and they paid their attention. We should understand what they want.

Furthermore, It may be my weakness to be so loose for those activities. I have heard that many teachers are used to giving physical punishment in the name of controlling those behaviors, but I am not in favor of those strategies. Students are the pollard of a plant. Once they are tortured, how can we dream of nice plant? how can they give nice fruits in the future? Really, rather than giving such torture, they should be self-taught.

But, leaving them freely, thinking about liberty merely, may be not be a solution to make those buds stronger enough. What we need to do is to understand their psychology so that we can use their brain cent percent. Any one can teach , but its difficult to find those teacher who are meticulous about students interest.We have to create the homely environment while teaching rather than being cruel and brutal, which  many teachers are acclimating such strategies today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My addiction towards teaching.

I love teaching not just because of the money I am earning, its just owing to my penchant interest and satisfaction.

 In the ancient time, teachers were taken as like God, though these days the meanings are being suppressed to some extent. In fact, teacher are those person who gives direction to the emerging buds. They are those character remaining in the success  of every person. In every achievement of every fellow, there remains crucial role of every good teacher. Thus,  I love to be teacher.

And the last but not the least, liking towards students may be one of the reason of my interest to teach them. They are really lovable and innocent. I forget all their guilty when I teach them. Even I dream  of them in the dream. Its astound that they even love me so much. 

What my student did in a class?

One day in a college, there was a small meeting of Microsoft Student Partners' program. Being a teacher, it was our responsibility to present there. We, Nabin and me, were presenting there with our lovely students. One my best student, from B.Sc CSIT fifth semester, Puran, was taking photo in a very stylish pose and I was, too, smiling for his photo. It was my first time to appear there.

After some days, Puran, a senior year student from Ambition College, put this photo into his  micro-blogging website, where I was clicked like Charlie Chaplin, a great comedian hahah. Below my nose, mustache was like that comedian. They were really making me such comedian.Anyway, thanks to my dear students.I am ready to be whatever you want for the betterment of your career.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Yoga without planning may harm you.

If you love yoga, then its alright.But, if you are doing it without following some rules, definitely your health will be degraded. Solid idea to be followed before and after yoga.

  1. Warm up exercise.
  2. Start yoga after stretching your body.
  3. End yoga by doing final relaxation yoga- by sleeping on the ground horizontally.
 Let me start with first line, before doing any yoga, it is suggested to perform some warm up so that your body gets stretched to do yoga. If you do without warm up , there may be chances of fracture your ligaments or bones. So, be careful.

Similarly, you perform yoga after warm up so that your muscles gets ready for it. If you do without making your muscle ready, you will feel pain in your body because yoga itself does stretching but in deeply and suddenly. 

Finally, after finishing yoga, the very last and mandatory thing is to do relaxation yoga or relax your body by sleeping on the ground like corpse. Take deep breathe and perform deep exhalation and inhalation. Do it for at least five minutes so that you come to previous stage and your muscles comes into original situation.

If you do not perform like this, definitely  you will be feeling some sorts of pain into your body. The  pain may be on your urinary bladder, hearts or lunges- soft organs. Do it for your sound health..

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Some glimpse about my travels.

Fewa Lake
 This is a photo taken in Pokhara, Nepal, during my travel moments. This photo was taken by my camera and its a long horizontal view. Though I will update in detail about Pokhara very soon, the main things to see here is its cool and heart touching natural beauty.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sometimes, funny works of photo session..

Passing my free time with the tunes of my old guitar.

When I have to teach my students, I have to study hard like this at home. Reading and writing for the preparation of teaching in college.

At meditation time, I am thinking beyond the imagination- for almighty feelings.

Now, it is a party time, I have to attend my friends marriage party near my home.

Giving pose in party dress through my brother's mobile, though the quality is not so sound. It is clicked by Colors Xfactor . 

Clicked accidentally..hehehahehehahha

Monday, April 28, 2014

Computer Science vs. Information Technology

Being a computer science student, these days, I am emphasizing my lecture about the major distinction between computer science and information.  As  I belonged to core computer science stream, I keep on concentrating on its fundamental differences.

Fundamentally, computer science is totally concerned with mathematics and theorems and its core research. Its contribution  helps information technology to nurture. Firstly computer scientist derive the concept theoretically and then its implementation is done on another level. These theorems are derived by those person who have strong in mathematics, probability and other stuffs required. The example of computer scientist are Alan Turing, Flody, Hoffman, etc.

But, in contrary, information technology is concerned with application of those concepts into practical fields. After the derivation of concepts by computer science, these things gets implemented into information technology level. The example of information technology are software engineer, programmer, etc.

Thus, computer science  and IT can not be used interchangeably, though today people use these term as synonymous. We have to differentiate those terms.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Why do not I want to lose every moment?

I have seen a lot of people wasting their precious time merely doing some unnecessary stuffs, rambling on the way with friends who also belongs to their category. They do not think about their future. What they want is just momentary relax and enjoyment. But, I am a man of different type expressing my views against those opinion. The reasons of my penchant interest towards proper utilization are due to my seriousness towards future, generation of ingenuity into my mind and mind controlling.

Firstly, talking about my seriousness, I love grabbing my every moment because of my vigilant about future. Never know what happen in future? With the rise of population, competition, self centered people, nepotism and relativism, the security of future is on the brink of paucity. For instance, if you are going to face an interview in Nepal, may be you will be selected from written test but you are only selected in an interview if you have some sort of contact with interviewer, like friend or some other bonding. Even after being talented, your career is not still secure. So, now , we have to be more strong enough so that no one can reject us.For this, what we have to do is to pay our attention to study, research and seriousness so that we can innovate some sort of precocity.

If we have talent and innovation, definitely you will easily be sold on the market and our career would be more secure.This achievement can be perceived only by strong seriousness and thinking habits. If we keep on thinking every time without wasting any more moments, surely we will be able to give something new, something interesting things. We do not have to win the world for this ,we do not have to touch the moon for this.What we have to do is just give unique and intelligible things to the world so that they will appreciate you. It is not possible to do  without so called cruel and brutal meditation.

Meditation is crucial part of life, especially for those people like me, who want do something in future. It has some sort of almighty power to generate cool current into our mind. I have seen a lot of successful people who practiced such meditation. For instance, Einstein had practiced meditation to utilize his brain.Even after doing meditation, some portion of his brain were not used. He was able to use those portion of brain with the help of meditation contributing to physics and  evolved popular formula.

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, three things are inspiring me to grab every moment of time. They includes my seriousness, germination of some sort of innovation concept and practicing of  yoga and meditation.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Writing an article is one of my hobby.

It is widely accepted that reading and writing are the one of the best way to make your brain engaging than other ways. I came to know some month ago that dementia can be avoided to some extent if we keep on reading and writing continuously.That is the reason why I am engaged in writing basically, though, sometimes I do reading ,too.

Writing has been my way to pass the spare time. It has helped me to proper utilization of every moment. When I become free, my hands become poise to write whatever comes into my mind. It not only innovates new concepts but also passes every moment of mundane time. Sometimes, in the flow of life, I feel like I am alone and I have none to move ahead with me. At this time, what I could do is just keep on thinking to write on paper what I feel. It helps me to be a bit evocative.

To be reminiscent is actually not seeing backwards but to take an advantage of life in a humorous way. After spending a lot of time and turning the pages of diary really helps us to think back. Suppose, when I was a child and I used to play a game what child normally plays, it gives some sort of sensation into the mind that I feel like child and try to relish the every moment of my childhood, though adulthood may not be compatible with those feelings.

While adulthood may not be digesting such activities due to age and responsibilities, it may be one of best way to think for future. Why it is helpful for future? The answer is simple. It is helpful because never knows we may  have child in future and we may not be able to create the environment what we faced in our childhood. But, after taking clear image of own childhood helps us to create those ambient to ours.

Thus, in conclusion, writing an article has lots of benefits. It not only helps to cure some sort of disease to some extent but also helps to cherish those past memories and utilize the present time, and it can be helpful for future, too.

Success history of my academic research.

Through this post, I would like to share my success history in research. Though it is just academic research, I can proudly say that I may be one of others, who reviews computer science paper from international journal and I am entrusted by an international body to check their papers.

 I completed my M.Sc CSIT from Tribhuwan University in 2011, in Kathmandu. I was very interested to do research in computer science related field at that time. Though I had great interest to nurture my research, I could not find any senior to guide me.So, I was stumbling on the way, I mean I was rambling on the way of it. The only thing I had at that was internet and open access journals.

I used to come to home at the earliest from outing. Due to acute power cut here in Kathmandu, I was not being able to use internet as fully as I wanted and as available as I was. However, I started to split my sleeping time for internet so that I help me to explore my research. I downloaded lot of paper which had under my domain, I mean which came under my interest.

After finding lot of papers under my interest, I printed them out at the department. I made a bundle of paper and bind them so that I became handy for me to study and think. I could carry those paper into my bag easily wherever I used to move. I started reading those paper even in bus or even in my sleeping time. Splitting my sleeping time, I did what I can not do these days. I started sleeping only four to five hour a day.

Proper utilization of my time  even by slashing of sleeping time, I started to think. Thinking deeply in a topic, I wrote very first research paper with the assistance from those papers. I learned to write the paper after going rigorously into it. After writing a paper, I proofread a lot  to correct my language.

After the correction of my language, I sent my first paper to the journal called GESJ, from Georgia, an international journal. Initially, I had no idea that whether that paper will accept or reject. I had heard from some people that  amateur paper normally thrown up. So, I was wondering about it. But, right after 1 year of submission of manuscript,I got an email about congratulation. I was very happy to get that email because it was my very first paper to be published.

After the publication of a paper, my confidence level got increased. I was motivated to write further. I started to read more papers and started to share my new ideas to my counterparts who were seeking to do research. I again succeeded in my idea because  ideas were becoming their thesis. With the rise of my concept, I started searching lot of open source journals.

In the crowd of journal, I had no any idea to choose right journal. It took me a lot of time to explore. Finally, a chosen journal was Intelligent Information Management, an international journal from U.S.A. I sent another brand new paper to IIM and they accepted my paper for publication.

After the repetitive publication of my paper, I though to be reviewer.  For testing whether I am suitable for it or not, I sent my resume to journals. And,  finally, two journals accepted to make me reviewer. I have been doing review sitting under two international journal these days.  

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How I treated prostrate cyst myself with yoga?

Prostrate is a type of gland in between penis and urinary  bladder. It helps to flow urine from urinary bladder. When the problem occurs in this gland, definitely, the urinary retention problem occurs.

Before one year, I had urinary retention problem. I went to doctor in order to find the root cause of such problem. After doing  Normal Ultra Sound, I came to know that I had a prostrate cyst . The size of prostrate cyst was 3 millimeter in diameter and doctor told me to do normal surgery. I got surprised to hear that. I started doing yoga and pranayama with great expectation. 

The yoga packages for the treatment of such disease were Kapalvati pranayama, Anulom Biloma. I did twice time a day for 30 minutes. Kapalvati pranayama is a type of pranayama which can cure a lot of diseases. In this type of pranayama, your stomach gets current while shivering with the help of breathe. Similarly,   Anulom biloma pranayama is just breathing task. Inhaling and exhaling of air with rule forms such task. It has the power to treat even the cancer.

Yea, nice, after performing such task daily, I wanted to go to doctor to see the changes. I went to Tribhuwan University Teaching  Hospital in Kathmandu and tested. The doctor referred to do Trans Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS). After this experiment, they told me that I had no any cyst in prostrate. In this way ,my prostrate cyst cured permanently without use of single pills.

Why I preferred yoga?

The main reason behind its use are as follows:

  1. It cures disease from root.
  2. It is widely popular and accepted traditionally.
  3. It has the power to treat the disease that has not been cured by modern medicine.
  4. It has the capacity to regenerate the degenerate cell, which is almost impossible today, but its being solved by this strategy.
It has been known that yoga has tremendous power to remove the root of disease. It is said that using modern medicine is simply suppressing the pain and level of difficulty but in ayurveda and yoga, it not only suppress the pain but also cures it from its foundation.

Similarly, natural healing practice, called yoga, is widely popular among old generation. Normally, they don't prefer modern medicine until and unless they want speedy recovery. Although modern medicine has the capacity to minimize the disease shortly, it can not work for long time.

Also, the  main philosophy of yoga and meditation is that it has the power to cure those diseases that has not been cured by modern medicine. For example, whenever the doctor sees tumor in our body, what he wants is that to incise, which  may not be a good practice, though sometimes, it is good. But in natural healing method, their root cause is found out and special treatment is applied to reduce the tumor.

Finally, it is seen that modern medical science emphasis to put new cells artificially in the degenerated cells but in natural healing paradigm, degenerated cells can be regenerated by doing yoga practice.

I will post more about yoga and meditation in succeeding posts..

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Continuing my days with this sort of yoga.

Welcome! this is my first post of my blogging journey

My name is Chiranjibi Sitaula. I am from Nepal. Professionally, I am a teacher of Computer Science. I am used to teaching for B.Sc CSIT students in Nepal. During the course of my time, I decided to share my teaching experiences , daily routines and  life styles in a systematic way. So, I created a blog. In this blog, I will be sharing those activities.
With this, I am presenting you with a single photo which I did last morning in the ground near my home.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Kholegaun, Nuwakot

Kholegaun, a village of Nuwakot, is located near the Kathmandu Valley- capital city of Nepal. Its natural beauty always attracts domestic as well as international tourists. As the popular newspaper Newwork times declared Nepal as the 45th country to be visited in 2014 among 52 countries in the world, the charm of tourism is expected to increase in 2014 for Nepal with this declaration.